Basque Quantum Researcher Collaborates with IBM on Groundbreaking Study in Quantum Phase Transitions
November 18, 2024A new scientific article, Order Parameter Discovery for Quantum Many-Body Systems, has been published by a team of researchers, including Dr. Enrique Rico from the Basque quantum ecosystem. The study presents an innovative approach to identifying order parameters in quantum many-body systems, a crucial step in understanding quantum phase transitions.

The research introduces a novel methodology based on the vector field of the reduced fidelity susceptibility (RFS) to map quantum phases. By formulating an optimization problem, the team successfully identified observables that correspond to order parameters in well-known models such as the Axial Next Nearest Neighbour Interaction (ANNNI) model, a cluster state model, and a chain of Rydberg atoms.
This collaboration underscores the importance of the Basque quantum research community in advancing global quantum computing efforts. Working alongside IBM, one of the industry's leading institutions, highlights the region’s growing influence in quantum science and its contribution to cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in quantum computing.