IBM Quantum Challenge 2024
May 24, 2024- IBM Quantum Challenge is the annual code challenge focused on how to use Qiskit. - BasQ will organize different meet-ups called Challenge Parties, hosted by our BasQ advocates, in Donostia, Leioa, Bilbao and Mondragon.

A new edition of the IBM Quantum Challenge, the annual code challenge focused on how to use Qiskit, will be running from June 5th to June 14th.
The Quantum Challenge consists of a series of Jupyter notebooks that contain tutorial material, code examples, and auto-graded coding challenges . Each of these notebooks are called “Labs”. The first lab is meant for anybody to be able to solve, while later labs will require lots of outside research and trial and error.
In order to encourage students and reseachers from the BasQ ecosystem to join efforts on this IBM Quantum Challenge 2024, BasQ will be hosting Challenge Parties in Donostia, Leioa, Bilbao and Mondragon where participants will be able to tackle the Labs, collaborate, network and have fun while learning about Qiskit!